Direct Give 2024-2025

No one likes to go door to door bothering family, friends, and neighbors selling magazine, cookies, coupon books, etc. Our Direct Give campaign has saved us the past 5 years from doing just that! Both campuses have a wish lists the PTO wants to fulfill and with your help we can do it! We have fun planned for the students for each benchmark we hit and prizes along the way too. Our goal is 100% participation, we have levels for every budget or whatever you can give is appreciated!

$15 I want to support the Direct Give but am happy to volunteer my time for everything.

$25 I do not want to hit my friends, family, co-workers, or neighbors up; here's what I would have spent on a coupon book

$50 I do not want to participate in any activity that has the word "thon" in it! Here is the money I would have spent for my child's free T-shirt.

$75 Please don't make me get dressed up and attend a ball.

$100 My closet is already full of gift-wrapping supplies; magazines and I do not need to eat all the chocolate. Thank you for saving me from purchasing more!

$250 I do not have time to volunteer for anything, but happy to contribute!

_____ I am able to contribute

Donate Here!